Keep Your Teeth in Style!
Teeth are functional and cosmetic. We get two chances with our teeth. The primary teeth, the wonderful 20, are the first set to compliment the grin. They usually start popping through the gums at 6 months—hence the good old “teething” period. The primary teeth’s purpose in life is to help the permanent teeth erupt into their position. This process usually lasts for two and half to three years of age. The permanent teeth will then start to expose themselves at about five to seven years of age. They erupt in phases. The front teeth lead the way, then there’s a reprieve for a couple years, then with great abundance, the back teeth make their announcement to the world. Permanent teeth are hopefully just that—Permanent. After this stage once a tooth is lost, it’s not coming back. These final set of teeth horde the mouth with a total of 28-32 chompers.

The Incisors
Incisors are the smiling teeth, they sit front row and are most noticed from other people. These teeth come in the forms of central and lateral, adding up to a grand total of eight—four on top and four on the bottom. These teeth experience the first bite and cut of food—the welcome committee for the mouth.
The Canines
Canines, or eyeteeth, are the sharpest and the longest teeth in the mouth. These “fangs” come in a set of four—two on top and two on the bottom, located behind the lateral incisors. These beauties tear, grasp and hold food making them best friends to the carnivore. They have also been used as weapons for defense purposes.
The Premolars
Premolars are situated deep in the mouth. These teeth are produced in forms of first and second premolars in a set of eight—four on top and four on the bottom, stationed directly behind the canines. These warriors hold, chew and grind food. Premolars reduce the food particles to make it more comfortable in swallowing and digesting.
The Molars
Molars sit even deeper in the mouth than their friends the premolars. These teeth are composed in forms of first and second for a set of eight—four on top and four on the bottom, posted directly behind the premolars. These beasts bring on the force to crush, chew and grind the food. Molars carry the burden to minimize food size for digestion with the sticky, crunchy, chewy, and hard foods.
The Wisdoms
Third molars, or wisdom teeth, are the most unpredictable teeth, occupying the space behind the molars. They have no protocol to be confined to, they march to their own beat. Sometimes, there will be zero, could have one, possibly two, even three, on a good occasion all four, for good luck there’s five, and I have even seen six on a few occasions. At times, some of these third molars may fully or partially erupt. For harmony all four may erupt, for discord maybe only one or two will fully erupt. As much of a chance with them to erupt is the same chance these erratic symbols will just stay hidden in the bone or under the gums. To sum of the wisdom teeth, you get what you get, they are about as inconsistent as Colorado’s weather. Wisdom teeth were given the name “wisdom” because the time of eruption are generally between the ages of 17-24, the age considered when people become wise.
The Importance of Teeth
Let’s keep those darn teeth until you hit that grave. I have heard on several occasions, “Just take the tooth/teeth out”. NO NO NO. There is nothing stronger, superior, more functional or beautiful than what you were naturally born with. There are some good runner-ups but let that be the very LAST resort.
Since each tooth has its own function, every tooth is important to maintain. When one tooth is missing the load and function is transferred to the teeth beside that now missing tooth. A tooth not use to that force will become weakened and then as time goes on, those teeth usually need to be addressed, by eradicating the scene. Then the surrounding teeth next to them take on the new force and burden, and the cycle continues.The key is to maintain those teeth by keeping them healthy. With all the products out there in the market, there are no excuses!