
50 posts


LoLoZ Loloz is an anti-cavity product using Cavibloc as the main ingredient found in these lollipops and lozenges. Cavibloc is a proprietary herbal formula extracted from the licorice root that hinders the growth of the specific cavity causing bacteria Strep Mutans. The way this works is that it is bactericidal […]Read more »


Toothprints™ Toothprints™ is a dental identification kit. It is used to identify anyone with teeth. It’s a simple procedure that can be done at home or in a dental setting. Along with collecting fingerprints, and visual data missing children organizations use versions of these Toothprints™. It also captures saliva for […]Read more »


AUTOIMMUNE DISEASES When a patient tells me they have an autoimmune disease I know only the generalizations of the diseases. Ya it lowers the immune system. Ya,good homecare is needed. Ya, a low immune system makes it harder to fight infection, so flossing is very important to these patients. I […]Read more »


DIABETES AND PERIODONTAL DISEASE Uncontrolled diabetes =Uncontrolled periodontal disease   It’s that simple. People with diabetes are more likely to have periodontal disease opposed to people who don’t have diabetes. This could be due to the fact that diabetics are more susceptible to infections. Periodontal disease is considered a complication […]Read more »



XYLITOL Xylitol is a natural sweetener from the fibrous parts of plants. It does not break down like sugar. The bacteria in the mouth interacts with sugar and forms an acidic state on the teeth, increasing the risk of cavities. Whereas, xylitol inhibits the digestion of sugar and keeps the […]Read more »


A KNOCKED OUT TOOTH    It can easily happen, where a tooth gets knocked out, or another name is avulsed, usually by trauma or accidently.   Not on purpose like Stu in the movie “The Hangover” who pulls his own tooth out. More than five million teeth are knocked out yearly […]Read more »